Performance & Public Speaking Skills - Career & Leadership

Leadership Coaching, Public Speaking & Performance Professional Development

Natural Power

Natural Power click to READ testimonial

What Leaders Do

Looking to increase your leadership skills? Inspire audiences when you speak in public? Committed to performing better and develop your talents further?

Whether you seek to conquer personal goals, navigate professional challenges, or unlock your fullest potential, commitment is the invisible force that propels individuals from mere intention to accomplishment.

The Power of Coaching

The right coaching insights infuse a new sense of purpose. You must be ready to transform your game! Great outcomes come from a shift in perspective and an authentic quantum in skill level.

Eric Stone

Eric Stone

Every Decision is a Direction

A professional understands that every action they take will change the trajectory of a project, a relationship, or a company.

Unleash Your Potential

Amy Stone

Amy Stone

Environment Shapes our Destiny

Underlying this brand of coaching is a deep commitment to catalyzing emotional intelligence and awareness.

Free Your Voice

Power of the voice

Unlocking Creative Potential

You are an entrepreneur looking for new frontiers, an individual seeking personal growth and expansion, a CEO looking to innovate. Discover your hidden strengths.

Wheel of Knowledge

Navigating the Future

Let's have a talk!

Eric Stone 2023

Unequivocally, the most important thing I have done for my career. You will see huge leaps in your performance.
Herschel Weintraub, 20th Century Fox

Eric Stone possesses great insights. In my experience, he is one of the best media & personal development coaches in the nation.
Robert Radi. Guthy-Renker Inventor

See Training Situations HERE!

Our Work Process

  • 01

    Reality Check

    The focus is on perfect solutions

  • 02

    Effective Planning

    Your coaching program is set in motion

  • 03


    Designing the perfect schedule

  • 04


    The results gain momentum

  • 05

    Quality Check

    Progress is constantly monitored

Listen to Public Presence

coffee cup image

Take the First Step. Who needs coaching?

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The year we started

Focused on optimum development, we empower the "total human being."


Eric Stone is the original Founder-CEO of Speakers & Artists International, Inc in 2003. Company is focused on training business professionals for high impact Speeches, Presentations & Media Appearances Performance.

Since 2015, with increasing requests, services were expanded to include Leadership Coaching, as well as Personal & Professional Training & Development.

See details on services and our coaching method.

Amy Stone joined the enterprise in 2015 to enhance the design, performance and vision for the company. A second enterprise was born: Quantum Design Connection.

Our BIO page and who we are in 60 seconds

Transforming World-Class Individuals One at a Time.

Free Consultation ~ No Obligation

Get 100% clear as to what is available. It happens on Zoom or by phone.

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Every client is unique. Let's identify key areas that require different results.

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The Anatomy of Genius. Einstein being a famous example, genius is typically imagined in terms of the extraordinary, both intellectually and creatively. Words like mastermind, wizardry, exceptional talent, rocket scientist, mathematical complexities, are the usual cultural associations we endow such a notion. I would like to offer an unusual take based on my experience. See full article...

Are You a Great Negotiator? Behind every human interaction, there are invisible dynamics at play. Some are physical, such as the impact someone's appearance has on us, while others are psychological and emotional, such as moods, tone of voice or eloquence. See full article...

Our Latest Blog

Are you ready for a quantum leap in effectiveness?

How can we reach our goals if we are not ready and willing to look deeper into ourselves and acquire new skills? Kick-off the journey toward actualizing your potential with keen insights into the source of your "CONFIDENCE". It will generate a genuine increase in your effectiveness.

"If we are willing to make our career path and learning new skills into a new "way of life", it becomes possible to reach our full potential.

Eric Stone, CEO

Is People-Pleasing Contagious?

Latest News

How many times did you say I am sorry today? In matters of social and professional interactions, over-pleasing can feel like an addiction…Audience pleasing, apologizing and patronizing are very easy traps to fall into when interacting socially, speaking in front of groups or while communicating with people professionally.

So is the need to cater needlessly thinking that being soft spoken is the key to win hearts. Have you ever realized how many times you hear “I'm sorry” in a day? Put it to the test, it is mind blowing. On the surface, these habits can appear as legitimate forms of expression or harmless ways to handle people. On the contrary, they are powerful enemies and should be avoided at all cost.

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I am Cause, not Effect

Image I am Cause Not Effect

We are so oblivious to cause and effect that it is rarely questioned, scrutinized or seen for what it is. Being either at the effect or at cause in life is a process we unconsciously learn as children.

Within this unprecedented 21st century current economic and political environment, I thought it would be helpful to look deeper into the essence of cause and effect, as it relates to healthy living and communication. It is safe to assert that many of us have, at one point or another, found ourselves to be at the effect of someone or something.

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Quantum Design Connection Worldwide Coaching
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New York ~ Worldwide

PST+09:00 ~ EST+06:00

What is Confidence?

When Intuition Speaks

Self-knowledge in 2023

Creativity Zone

Self-awareness as a Tool

Emotional Intelligence